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Zodiac Killer

In the late sixties and early seventies, California was haunted by dozens of unsolved The offender remains unknown to this day. The murderer, who referred to himself as“the Zodiac,” made contact with the police and area newspapers throughout his reign of terrorthrough a series of menacing notes. Although the police were never able to apprehend Zodiac,they were able to gather information about him via the letters. Zodiac boasted of killing up toforty victims, however, police estimated he may have killed over 50.Due to the nature of Zodiac’s letters and from witnesses police have a good idea of whatZodiac is like even though he remains at large. Given what is known about serial killers in general,and Zodiac in particular, authorities estimate he was born between 1938 and 1943, making him inhis mid-twenties to early thirties at the time of his first murder in 1966. The estimation is alsosupported by witness statements. It is common for serial killers to first begin his career aroundthis age. (Weis)Zodiac was believed to be a stocky man, but not overweight. (Graysmith, 316) Multiplewitnesses described him as having a “paunch” belly. He was a white male with light brown, curlyhair, was of average height, and wore dark rimmed glasses held to his head with a black band. Hewas also reported to dress in a “military” fashion. He often wore a navy windbreaker and militaryissued “wing walker” boots. Most witnesses described him as calm and clean-cut. (Graysmith,316)There have been many psychological profiles of Zodiac, perhaps because his true identityand motives have never been revealed. Graysmith, the author of the best selling novel Zodiac,also created a profile of the killer. Graysmith described Zodiac as having “delusions of grandeur,of being a psychotic and a sexual sadist.” ( Graysmith, 321) He hypothesized, like many otherprofilers, that Zodiac had an overwhelming and d...

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