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Wyoming is the ninth largest state. It measures 97,914 square miles. It wasadmitted to the union on July 10, 1890. It is the 44th state. The capital isCheyenne. The highest point is at Gannett Peak which is at 13,804 feetabove sea level. The lowest point is at Belle Fourche River. It measures at3,100 feet above sea level. The average rainfall is 14.5 inches. The population according to the 1990 cencus is 453,588. Wyoming isalso know as Big Wyoming, the Equalty State, and the Cowboy State. Thestate motto for Wyoming is Equal Rights. The Wyoming flag was designedby Mrs. A.C. Keyes. The flag was adopted by the 14th legislature on January31, 1917. The heart of the flag is the Great Seal of Wyoming. There is also abison on the flag which represents the custom branding. The colors of theflag are the same as the colors of the National Flag. The red borderrepresents the Indian, and the pioneers who gave their lives reclaming theland. The white is the emblem of purity, and uprightness over Wyoming. The blue is the color of the sky and mountains, and also is symbolic offidelity, and justice.The Great Seal of Wymoing was adopted by the second legislature in1893. It was also revised by the 16th legislature in 1921. There are twodates on the Great Seal. They are 1869 and 1890. In 1869 was the birth ofthe Territorial goverment. In 1890 was when Wyoming admission to theUnion. It has a picture of a banner that has the words Equal Rights on it. This stands for the status and fair treatment women have always enjoyed inWyoming.On Medicine Mountain there is a Medicine Wheel which has 28spokes and a circumfrance of 245 feet. This was a ancient shrine built ofstone by the hands of some forgotten tribe. A crow cheif has said before Itwas built before the light came by the people who had no iron. The relic stillremains one of Wyomings unsolved puzzles.The indians of Wyoming were nomads and known as the PlainsIndians. The tribes a...

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