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Wyatt Earp

Wyatt Earp, born Wyatt Berry Stapp Earp, was born on March 19, 1848 in Manmouth, Illinois to Nicholas and Virginia Earp. When Wyatt was two, his parentsmoved him across the Mississippi River to Pella, Iowa. He was considered a greatwestern lawman. His first experience as a lawman was as a constable of Lamar, Missourifor four months in the year 1870. In April, 1875, he was appointed to the Wichita Kansaspolice force only to be released from that job on April 2, 1876 for insubordination. Afterthat, Wyatt moved to Dodge City, Kansas where he served as a police man three separatetimes. The first time he served from May 17 until September 9, 1876; the second time heserved was from July 6 until late November, 1877; and the last time that he served as apolice man in Dodge City was from May 12, 1878 until September 8, 1879. After that onand off police work in Dodge City, Wyatt decided to move to Tombstone, Arizona. Hepicked up and moved to Tombstone on December 1, 1879. When he got there he took upthe job that was most natural to him, law enforcement. Wyatt had several jobs while living in Tombstone. The first job that he acquiredwhen he got to Tombstone was riding shotgun for Wells, Fargo & Company. He heldthis position for approximately eight months. This was a fairly dangerous job. His dutieswere to ride in the front of the wagon with the driver and protect it. His second job wasserving as the deputy sheriff for Pima County from July 29 to November 9, 1880. Thethird job that Wyatt got was a little different from the first two. He was no longer theman with a gun shooting bad guys, now he was the man behind the desk trying to figureout who robbed the last truck. His third job was a detective position for the Wells, Fargoand Company. He worked at this position for an indeterminate amount of time. A very historical event occurred soon after Wyatt took the detective job withWells, Fargo & Company; the Gunfight at the O.K....

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