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Wrongly Accussed

I chose the Radlet reading for the purpose of doing my reaction paper. It was so dramatic that you almost wanted to call it a story, as in a fictional book. The sad fact is that it was true. Even sadder is the fact that many of these true stories have played out through our countries history without the happy ending that Clarence Bradley finally received. What was so shocking to me was when my eyes crossed the dates in which the Clarence Bradley case took place. If those dates weren’t listed, and I was asked to guess what time-period the case took place in, I would probably guess something in between the 30’s and 50’s. Now that it has been brought to my attention, I realize that this type of injustice can still happen today. All you need is a city comprised of a racist majority from which officials will be elected and jurors will be selected. Apparently cities like these are not too awful hard to find. Probability will then tell you it want be long before you get an ignorant but deadly combination of people with closed minds and selective hearing, trying to play God. The first question that comes to my mind is do these people really think that the African-American suspect is always guilty, or do they just hate African-Americans so much that they don’t care? Those people that assume guilt based on race are the truly ignorant ones. Those who don’t care about guilt or innocence must not only hate African-Americans, but white women as well, otherwise they would want to find the real culprit. I would say that this group of people is truly evil. How else would you describe someone who protects the murderer, could care less about the victim, and ultimately kills some random person because he has more pigment in his skin? This would have to be the category that the judges and prosecutors, in cases such as this, fit into. These people are obviously educated, but they must have been absent on t...

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