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Wrestling These Days It8217s Not For Kids

For years and years professional wrestling has been loved and watched by children everywhere. They idolize their favorite superstars and despise their most hated. They stay up late on each and every Monday night to watch the muscular grapplers. Although it sounds like everything is all well and good, there is a problem. In the past 24 months professional wrestling has become too raunchy for young children. The fact of the matter is this, wrestling in the late nineties is not for kids.There are many reasons for this but perhaps the most prominent is there is too much sex, violence and bad language on the program. They have done many extreme things that should only be seen by mature adult viewers. The most criticized and severe thing in which they have produced would have to the stunts pulled off by a devil worshipper named The Undertaker. This possessed individual has crucified superstars on more than one occasion and he has even hung an opponent after beating him senseless. This material is very offensive to many people and because of this the WWF received thousands of complaints from worried parents who did not want their childern watching but they did not succumb to the protesters and they kept giving their mature fans what they wanted. Next, they began to push the sex aspect of their product. They brought out scantily clad women and had them fight and claw and even rip each others clothes off. They have even play with the idea of having a woman lose her bra “accidentaly”. This would be terrible because thousands of kids would see a sight which they should not be seeing..They continued to give controversial angles and their ratings cvontinued to skyrocket to unprecidented levels. In information I found from the website , The WWf is the top rated show on Monday night television for males between the age of 8 and 32. That means that there are many children watching and seeing the violence and sex....

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