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World Today

The world today, more than ever, is a steadly shrinking planet, as new technology allows us to cross boundaries and attempt feats that were once only dreams of science fiction Yet, even as progress roots out old ways of life, and new technology makesobsolete time honored traditions, we never lose sight of the rich cultures to which ourearth is home. Even today, the world is still a colorful and vibrant place, filled with amyriad of exotic cultures, each with its own unique and enthralling history and traditions.It is this increasing charm and fascination with the ancient that invariably draws thecuriosity of outsiders. This fact has even permeated itself throughout my life. No matterwhere I go and wherever I end up, there is always some measure of curiosity concerningthe other hemisphere of the world. Before and especially following any significant trip, Irepeatedly face the same line of inquiry, “What is the Middle East like?”. To this questionI have often respond with a casual and simple answer, “It’s okay”. Upon my return fromthe Middle East this past summer however, I began to feel this response horriblyinsufficient, and I decided to contemplate a more meaningful answer. I quickly cameacross amental block as I started thinking to myself, how could I ever possibly convey thesights, the sounds and the feelings of this region, so vibrant and culturally rich, to anyonewho has not had the fortune to see it for themselves? Despite these difficulties, I began todraft my thoughts. In an attempt to bring in perspective the rich and inspiring heritage ofthe region, I progressively began to picture my most recent vacation to Arabia, and lettingmy memories take charge, I began describing to the best of my ability the highlights of mytrip.Dawn crept up sluggishly the day I arrived in Saudi Arabia after my twenty-eighthour flight. After fighting, unsuccessfuly, for a few hours of some much needed sleep, Iwas j...

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