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Womens Subjectivity in Arabian Nights

Judith Grossman wrote an article concerning women's subjectivity in Arabian Nights. The article brought out many points to which I had never given thought. As I read the novel, I saw that women were considered evil and bad, but I didn't think much more of it. After reading Grossman's article I must say I agree with many of the thoughts expressed. She focuses on the fact that women are considered to be evil, but it is just because their true self has never had a chance to be free. Women are locked into this reciprocal cycle of deceit and unfaithfulness, only after being oppressed by their husbands or keepers, as in the case of the Jinnee and the maiden. Grossman's article focused on several points I noticed when reading Arabian Nights. For example, the story of the Jinnee and his maiden in the chest surprised me. I never expected that the maiden would be so evil. I thought she would be different than the other women portrayed in this novel after being locked away for so long. However, the maiden is one of the most deceitful characters in this story. She is tired of being oppressed so she decides that she should have fun and obtain revenge. Her actions are actually small powertrips, her purpose being to have all the control in her affairs. As Grossman states, "The Destiny cited in this passage cannot be hindered or averted is surely the familiar and inexorable cycle of coercion and revengeBy threatening other men with the Jinni's terrible power, she can practice sexual coercion on them in her turn, while getting revenge on her oppressor. The actions of oppressor and oppressed become fully reciprocal. Deceit meanwhile is the very mode of her continued existence as a person.(20)"The maiden is very persistent in her desires. She will not let the King or his brother go without satisfying her first. The maiden says, "But I have lain under as many men as I've desired, and this wretched jinnee doesn't realize that destiny cannot be averted or ...

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