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Will Computer growth ever slow down

It all started in 1930, when Vannevar Bush created what he called a differential analyzer for what amounted to simple calculations (Epstein 919). Who knew then that this simple technology would evolve into something as diverse and complex as it has today? These machines and the plethora of technology that surrounds them continue to be produced and improved upon at a phenomenal, almost break-neck, and somewhat frustrating pace for consumers. We are left to wonder if and when the computer industry will ever slow down; and what are the repercussions if it does not? Will there be any jobs left for the human race? Or perhaps there could be some frightening future in store for us if artificial intelligence gets less artificial and more intelligent. Questions upon questions continue to surface as the computer era continues to rage on, leading to one significant query: will this computer revolution ever slow down?Since the 80s, a massive shift in our countrys industry has occurred. Almost any and every aspect of this great nation and other nations industry has become saturated with computer technology. From automated teller machines, to robots that build our cars for us, every warehouse on earth seems to have an electronic buddy helping their production. Beginning with ideas to assist us and leading to something much greater, we have become dependant on machines to do a great variety of tasks for us. With such enormous human interest and demand for products that will do our work for us, there are companies that will do much of anything to create or I prove upon a marketable product. What is known as one of the largest industries in the world, c9omputers gross(annual net income) Ranking among the car industries of the world, which gross(annual net income) So it would seem that the greatest force pushing this industry is money. And with money companies need to utilize whatever edge is available. In the United States, and other c...

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