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Why is Brutus a Good Leader

Greene03 October, 2000Brutus The LeaderBrutus is the most fit character to be a leader in the entire book. Brutus is a takecharge kind of person. When there is something that he does not like about thegovernment he takes charge and does something about it. Previously to Cassius evenentering Brutus had said to himself that Caesar must die. Brutus is also a very smartcharacter. When he is talking to himself about killing Caesar he compares him to a serpentin his egg and says that he must be killed while he is still in his egg because when hehatches (or is crowned king ) he will be more dangerous. Brutus is smart enough to knowthat Caesar is just putting on an act and that once he becomes king he will not be as niceas he is now. Even tough he is a smart and take charge character he also quite deceptive.He shows just how deceptive he is when he kills Caesar. Brutus was very close to Caesarand he still killed him. Brutus was the only character of the conspirators that was killedCaesar for a some what of a good reason. Brutus killed him because he thought it wouldbe better for Rome while the others just did not want him to become more powerful thanthemselves. Brutus felt that the death of Caesar would be the end of the absolute rule thatCaesar presently had. Brutus is a supporter of the republic government. Brutus says, “ Weall stand up against the spirit of Caesar / And in the spirit of men there is no blood” (II.i.180-181). In this quote Brutus shows that everyone of the conspirators does standsagainst what Caesar is doing but the point of killing him is to end what he is doing not todismember him or to kill the person Caesar but to kill what he is about.Brutus is the best character in this book to be a leader. The first reason I think thatBrutus would make a good leader is that he does not want to be a king or have absoluterule he would like to have a republican government. Brutus would also be a good leaderbecause he is not ...

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