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Why do we want to see dick and jane run

Who exactly are Dick and Jane? Does Spot really exist? Dick, Jane, and Spot are all characters that are used to teach Elementary School Children reading and spelling skills. Spelling is a difficult concept to master, especially when learning the spelling of AmericanStandard English. “George Bernard Shaw said that the word fish might as well be spelledghoti--using gh as in rough, o is in women and ti as in vacation”(Glazer 99). Sometimesthe spelling of certain words can seem illogical and may have no other similar spelling inthe language. When a young child looks at these words, the student cannot use logic tospell certain words. Learning Disabled children have a hard time conquering spelling andit may be the hardest task for elementary school children with learning disabilities toconquer. The question has been proposed of whether or not children with learningdisabilities need to be taught spelling differently in comparison to children without learningdisabilities. Children with learning disabilities learn at a slower pace and do need to betaught spelling differently than students without learning disabilities.According to the learning disability information web site,“ A learning disability isa disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved inunderstanding and using language spoken or written which may manifest itself in animperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, spell, or do mathematical calculations.” Basically, there are two parts to a learning disability: one is processing and the secondis discrepancy. Learning disabled students have a hard time understanding andcomprehending information. Learning disabled students know where they are going,but have a hard time getting there because of the obstacles they face getting there. It islike the information gets lost on the way to the brain. Discrepancy means theconnection between the learning disabled students achievemen...

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