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Why do we experience emotion

Why do we experience emotions? This is a question that is difficult to answer in context, but rather simple to explain. Emotions are experienced everyday for a variety of reasons. If a person is happy, then usually they will smile. If a person is sad, they will appear gloomy. People express their emotions to allow the people around them to know how they feel, but only if they want to. If I was sad, then I could appear sad, to let my friends try to cheer me up, or I could try and hide it, if I did not want to be cheered up. Emotions in some other cases can be uncontrolled however. For example if something bad happens to you or someone close to you dies for example it is very hard to hide the sadness that you feel, and the normal thing to do is cry. I know some tough people try to hide these emotions, but it is sometimes impossible to do, it is almost like the bodies’ way of dealing with a certain problem, or the bodies’ way of coping with certain situations. Emotions are basically a day to day function in my opinion, there is really no way to stop oneself from feeling emotions, and controlling will that is another thing. As far as the question, as to why should we study emotions. Will, emotions are day to day functions, and no one really knows how to control emotions. It seems logical to me that one might study emotions to try and understand completely where they come from, and why exactly we express different emotions in different ways. Also, if we can find out what causes emotions, then maybe someday we could learn to manipulate different emotions and this in turn could lead to ending depressions and other problems that emotions cause some people. Lots of problems could be solved if emotions ever become controllable. However, I don’t know how the public would react to the fact that someone could control their emotions, but it would definitely be a breakthrough and could lead to many positive res...

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