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Why I want to go to your College

I chose to write about an experience that significantly influenced my academic interests. Sheehan, my sophomore year global studies teacher truly made me realize the valueof education. As far as academics were concerned, I believed I had always tried my bestin reaching my full potential. That is, until I met Mr. Sheehan he made me understandthat I was not trying as hard in school as I was capable of . Mr. Sheehan offered to helpme out on a couple of problems I had been experiencing with global studies and after ashort while he became not only a tutor, but a true friend. I cannot even begin to imaginehow many hours I spent in his classroom after the last school bell had rung. Posters ofmusic legends and helpful inspirational quotes covered his walls. It was a very spiritedroom for the lively man he stood to be. He went over global studies in great detail whilealso informing me of how eminently important it was for academics to be my top priority.As an average football player I was greatly dedicated to the sport and my socialsurroundings, but Mr. Sheehan would always be there to tell me to slow down and repeathis key phrase, "Studying always comes first." Although Mr. Sheehan's main purpose wasto perfect my work ethic, he did so much more that he was unaware of doing. Heconvinced me into believing that anything was possible if I put my mind to it and had abrain-full of determination. If I said that I wanted to be in the NFL , he would say "Hey,the sky's the limit." After the year ended, my goals had changed for the better. I believedin myself and my capability in accomplishing anything as though the world was an opendoor to endless possibilities. I did not just want to be a computer programmer, my desirewas to be a successful businessman as well. Since Pace University ranks as having one of the best academic curriculums in thenation, being accepted in such a prestigious school will challenge me to the best of myability, probably mor...

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