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Who is Responsible for Creating these Violent Young Men

When will the violence end? Who is to blame? Only so much fault can be placed on parents or circumstances alone. How can we, as a society, stand by and watch our sons kill and be killed? It all must stop now. Society needs to step up and take responsibility for creating these violent young men or nothing will change. But how can we end the violence? If it was as easy as just saying it, there would not be any problem to deal with. Who should be held responsible for turning our innocent babies into ruthless killers? Most people do not want to believe that they are to blame for the violence. There is not just one group who is responsible. Many people are responsible. Whether it is by forcing these violent tendencies on to young men, or simply by turning the other way and not trying to find a solution to the problem. Many people believe that some children are just born bad. This, of course, is a myth. Kids are not naturally bad. Violence is a learned behavior (APA Public). The children have to pick it up from somewhere. But where? Many of these kids pick it up in the home, media, or community that they live in. There are a variety of contributing factors that lead these young men down that violent path. Many of these children feel overwhelmed by peer pressure, low self-esteem, or a need for attention or respect (APA Help). Also many have easy access to guns or other weapons. Numerous boys have been abused and/or have been witnesses to violence (APA Help). There are a number of reasons that young men turn to violence. Some of those are; as a type of expression, manipulation, retaliation, or because it is all that they know. Many boys today, are lacking a positive male role model in the home. Without that father figure in their lives to teach them the right way to become a man, it can be hard to find that right path. "The likelihood that a young male will engage in criminal activity doubles if he is raised without a f...

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