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Who We Elect Who They Elect

The assassination of President Kennedy in 1963 was a conspiracy against the government, for the government, and by the government. We, Americans, all have to sit back and wonder if an elected official or a Godfather of the Mafia is running our country. Who really has more power? With the assassination of President Kennedy we may have found our dreaded answer, and realized what our nation has become. The assassination of President Kennedy was one of mass conspiracy beginning on Capitol Hill and a tremendous double cross between Mafia and the government. It was fight for a strong hold on the oval office. Lyndon Johnson, Vice-President under Kennedy, with the help of Texas Governor John Connaly, conspired with Mafia to assassinate President Kennedy. The only undisputedly unmanipulated record of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy is a reel of film shot by Abraham Zapruder during the motorcade through Dealey Plaza.The film shows the motorcade slowly winding through the plaza, passing behind a road sign, and coming out the other side with the President holding his throat. Soon after this is noticed, the side of the President’s head seems to explode, throwing his head back and towards Jacqueline. Then Jacqueline is seen trying to crawl out of the back of limousine, which is a convertible with no bulletproof top, towards the secret service agents running toward the car. Finally, the car speeds off down the highway, under a railroad bridge, and out of sight. According to the Warren Commission’s report President John F. Kennedy was brutally murdered by two gun shot wounds to the head and thorax in front of scores of on lookers, in Deally Plaza, in the heart of Dallas, Texas. As the President’s motorcade turned onto Elm Street and progressed through Deally Plaza three shots rang out. The first gun shot sounded like a backfire from a car and was disregarded by the secret service as just that. The second shot struck...

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