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Who Killed JFK

Who Killed JFK? You may ask why I say this, but it’s something you really need If you believe that Lee Harvey Oswald killed him then you are taking part inprobably the biggest government conspiracy known to man. This massive cover-up willlast for years and probably violate every single law known to man.Well, when the people started to get suspicious about the mystery involving themurder, the government dispatched the Warren Commission to investigate and silence alldoubts concerning the mystery around the murder of President Kennedy. The warrencommission established a single bullet theory, which stated that two of PresidentKennedy’s wounds and all five of Governor Connally’s were caused by the “magic”bullet, to back up all claims that Lee Oswald was the only person shooting at thepresident. In September 1964 the Warren Commission stated that they could find no“credible” evidence that there was a conspiracy.The Warren Commission also wanted the people to believe the fatal head shot thatkilled JFK was fired by Oswald. That means that the exit wound must be in the front ofthe head and the entrance wound in the back of the head. All of the eye witnesses,doctors, and nurses that saw the presidents head would of said that the exit of the bulletwas in the back of the head, which means that there was another shooter who was in frontof JFK. All of the real autopsy photographs of the presidents head showed that the exitwound was in the back of the head, hard proof that there was another shooter whichmeans conspiracy.Lee Oswald had no apparent motive to murder President Kennedy. There is not asingle known instance in Oswald’s life where he expressed even a slight negativecomment in reference to President Kennedy. Right after the shooting Patrolman MarionBaker headed straight to where he thought the shots came from, The Texas School BookDepository, 105 seconds after the first shot, when he r...

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