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Who I cherish

Webster’s dictionary defines the word cherish as “treat with affection, protect, and foster.” Our book says nearly the same thing. Cherishing someone to me means never taking themfor granted. It means holding them close to my heart, and not allowing anything to tearthem away from it; to protect with my own heart, to keep then secure. To cherishsomeone, I am loving them as much as I love myself, but also treasuring them as the rarestof gifts, caring for that person as I care for myself. This very act of keeping them close tomy heart, their feelings and needs, this cherishing them proves my love for them. Part of cherishing someone is being there for them, never letting them down, andtruly listening and valuing what they say and feel. When I am that close to someone, I will let that person know now I feel as much as I can, how they are appreciated and avalued part of my life, how I feel that they are a true gift. I feel it is so important to tellsomeone how much I cherish them because I never know how long I have them, life canchange so drastically, and it is important to relay these feelings as much as I can.Cherishing a person to me is nurturing their love for me as well, and protecting ourrespective feelings at all costs. It is like the pure love of a gift of a beautiful, unique andvery fragile flower; it will not stay as beautiful, it can change, loose its petals, but the spiritof it stays as beautiful as the day it was picked, and the love for it will not change even asthe flower becomes less and less perfect. To cherish someone to me means they may notalways be perfect and neither will I, but I am honoring them in my heart unfailingly. To me, to cherish someone is another word for the deepest of unconditional loves....

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