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Where is Sarah

Many characteristics define people as being human, but when it comes down to it what makes a person human? This is a problem that has arised for some time in the subject of philosophy. More specifically, assume that your best friend Sara has been in a very serious accident and is going to die. A team of doctors comes to her with a proposal to transplant her brain into a mechanical body that will look completely human, but will be male. She agrees to the transplant and it is successfully carried out. She "awakes" in her new mechanical body with her memories intact. Her biological body is left attached to mechanical support and her heart and lungs are "working" to keep her body going. She looks like she is asleep. The question is where is Sara?My first instict was to say that Sara was in the mechanical body. The brain is what controls all the functions of the body. It is the central part of the human body. It also controls a persons feelings. It is true that all animals have a brain, but none as developed as the human's. Not everyones brain is the same either. That is what makes each person unique. While some may be more shy and timid, others could be more outgoing and loud. This is what atracks one person to another. Therefore Sarah will still be the same person as she always has been. Her brain is still there and is in control of what control her actions and thoughts. It just when you look at her a different image will be seen than before. With some adjustment time it will be easy to replace the thought of the old Sara with the new mechanical body. At least thats what i thought at first.After thinking of this promblem even more, I soon realized how important the body is to mind. For one, looks do make a difference on how a person feels. When you first look at a person what do you see? Their body. It is impossible to know what kind of person a person is before you really get to know them. Therefore people must...

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