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What is the Current Condition of Native Americans

When you think of Native Americans, do you just think of what happened to them in the past, or do you think of how they live today and how they are viewed by the people around them? You probably do not think of how the Native Americans are viewed today. There are many Indian organizations out there that help the Native Americans improve their lifestyle and how they live. There has been an expansion in the Indian population since they have been put on land and not been threatened. The population has grown and the education has gone way up. More Indians have had schooling and will continue to learn as they get older. With the education increased and more Native Americans going on to college, their employment has also gone up. More Indians have jobs and own their own businesses. As their population gets larger and they get a chance to have more opportunities, the youth and following generations have choices to be a proud American or a proud Native American.Since the Native Americans have been put on their reservations and started to build up their own societies, their population has increased greatly compared to what it was when they were first moved to their reservations. They have mixed cultures and languages on the reservations, and people now think it is amazing how they have developed such a society. Even though Native Americans only make up one percent of the current population, they still continue to get larger. There are many tribes that are endangered of becoming extinct. "In 1990, as a group, the Native Americans had about 1,959,000 people" (Thomas, Internet). There is extreme diversity with in them with about 500 tribes in the U.S., but only 308 are recognized by the federal government. Along with 1.9 million American Indian and Alaska Natives, over 5 million Americans indicated on their Census forms that they were of Indian descent. If even a quarter of the 5 million people decide to reclaim their Indian herita...

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