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What is a Hard Worker

What is a hard worker. What qualifies a person to be categorized as a "hard worker". He/She would have to be willing to do the work, and not only do it, but do it right. Efficiency, things such as showing up on time, and getting the job done in a decent amount of time. A person would have the knowledge to be able to do their work. Just as the cell is basic for life, being efficient is the basic factor of all hard workers. This is extremely important, it ties in with the other factors of the hard worker. Bosses look for people who are efficient, people who get the job done the best and fastest way. Efficiency is not only better and faster but it is also cheaper. I worked for a gentleman that always told me "In todays world its better, faster, and cheaper", and I can prove that true today in anything that is done, for example anything that used to be done by people on such as an assembly line was done with human labor, this has now changed to computerized robots. Because it is cheaper to have a robot that only requires a little bit of maintenance now and then compared to a person that has to have benefits, lunch breaks, and other such luxuries. Another factor of efficiency is tardiness. Tardiness is a big factor in the work place. No matter who a person works, for they will not keep their job if there is a problem getting to work on time. The one about your car not starting only works so many times before they say, "Youre Fired". Bottom line is dont be late. If there is one morning where the car doesnt start, the most important thing to do is call in and tell the employer what happened. In this case forget about the car. Fix it later, just find a ride to work. The second factor in a hard worker is the knowledge base of the person. Knowledge base meaning is the person right for the job? Does this person have the right skills to perform the job? An example I can think of is when I worked for a rental c...

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