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What is Justice

Justice, for the great Greek philosophers of ancient times and even for the great philosophers of today, is a controversial issue and has been up for immense discussion and review. The nature of justice and injustice has been stated and reviewed many times, however, the origin of the reviewing comes from the Greek Thrasymachus, who’s thesis is later reviewed and modified by Glaucon. Glaucon’s position is revised yet again by Thomas Hobbes, who’s version is now the accepted form of explanation for the origin of justice and injustice. Although there are various examples for the origin and nature of justice and injustice provided by these three men, I will provide supporting examples for the conclusion that the thesis and arguments made by Hobbes are the ones most acceptable and relevant in today’s society. First, Thrasymachus offers his origin of justice; he says that justice is doing what is advantageous to the stronger. The strong or rulers, he claims are the ones who make the laws in their favor or advantageous to them. Consequently, they force all the commoners to abide by the rules that they set, so the people who are just, simply, who abide by the rules, are doing what is advantageous to the stronger. This is the first argument stated by Thrasymachus, whereas in the second argument, he brings up the position of the shepherd and asks if the shepherds are taking care of the sheep for their own good or for the good of the sheep? He points out that the rulers act in exactly the same manner, where justice is doing something good for others at a loss to oneself, and injustice is doing something beneficial for oneself at a loss of others. Thrasymachus says that, having to look at who gets the better on a grander scale, the unjust person always gets more. He who does anything for their own good is unjust, looking out for themselves in their ordinary life they are innocent, however, it would difficult if ...

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