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What are We Breathing

Poor air quality is the culprit for the consequences that are being suffered by many human and plant communities. Air pollution, smog, or acid rain; it may be called whatever you like, it is the effects that it is causing that are important. Although many people associate smog with Los Angeles, it is not the only area that has been effected by poor air quality. Many national parks, aquatic systems, and other populated areas are showing major signs of air pollution."A large pollution study revealed that when smog increases in the Los Angeles Basin area, there is a big jump in the number of people hospitalized for lung and heart problems (Dreher 1998)." The effects of air pollution can be seen even below the levels that are indicated by air quality standards, since people respond differently to poor air quality. "Concentrations of harmful chemicals in the air have been proven to inflame and destroy lung tissue and weaken the lung defenses. Germs and dirt are normally trapped in the mucus in our air passages and removed by tiny hairs called cilia before entering our lungs. Polluting chemicals can paralyze the tiny cilia, allowing germs to build up in mucus or leave our body poorly protected against disease (Dreher 1998).""The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that pollution is associated with between 50,000 and 120,000 deaths every year (Dreher 1998)." The people most affected by poor air quality are people with asthma, bronchitis, heart disease, and similar health conditions. Studies have also shown that children and the elderly may be affected more than adults. "Children are affected more severely than adults because theft airways are relatively narrower and more easily obstructed, and their oxygen demand relative to body weight is higher, resulting in relatively larger inhaled volumes (van Bree 1993)."The major pollutants that comprise poor air quality, or smog, are: sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carb...

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