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What Is Morality

Philosophers around the world have debated the meaning of morality for centuries. However, it is a word too subjective to be either denoted or defined. Aristotle, often referred to as the father of philosophy, advised that one could determine what is moral by examining the mean between two less desirable extremes. For example, courage is a mean between fear and thoughtless rashness; generosity, between extravagance and parsimony. Plato argued that to know the good is to do the good. In other words, those who behave immorally due so out of mere ignorance, not defiance. Furthermore, Plato believed that a moral person is a truly happy person; and because people always desire their own happiness, they always desire to do that which is moral. While both theories of morality are appealing and rather convincing, neither attempts to define exactly what it is.Morality is synonymous to many words: decency, goodness, integrity, honor, and virtue. Yet all of these words are just as intangible as morality itself; consequently, they are insufficient in attempting to define it. I believe that there is no accurate way to delineate what is moral and what is not. Beliefs vary from person to person, yet is one person always less moral than the other simply because his or her beliefs differ? In my opinion, morality is what one believes to be most honorable and true for oneself. In other words, morality is best defined as the beliefs or values an individual holds to be honorable based upon his or her environment, upbringing, and religiosity.Ones environment is a great influence in determining ones morals. Under a monkey-see-monkey-do mode of reasoning, many people form their basis of what is right and wrong based upon the actions and opinions of others. Our society creates laws that we are supposed to follow in order to be good. If we are bad, or immoral, society punishes us; conversely, if we are good, society rewards us. This reward sys...

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