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WWII Propaganda

During World War II propaganda was ubiquitous. It consisted of a wide range of carriers including leaflets, radio, television, and most importantly posters. Posters were used based on their appeal: they were colorful, creative, concise, and mentally stimulating. Posters often portrayed the artist’s views on the war. They demonstrated the artist concern for the war, their hopes for the war, and reflected the way enemies were envisioned. Posters also show a nations political status: they reflect a nations allies and enemies, how the nation saw itself, and its greatest hopes and fears of the war. Posters were mainly used to sway public opinion. They were aimed at brainwashing society to think and act a certain way. Each poster was designed specificly for a particular community, playing upon the cultural norm. Since posters were rather inexpensive, they were not made to last, but were effectively used as a visual tool of propaganda. They were usually very graphic, therefore allowing even the illiterate to be swayed in the direction of the artists choosing.Essentially the posters intentions were to boost morale at home. This was a necessity since the United States had to cut short American liberties and rights in order to successfully wage a war. Such liberties included: food rationing, involuntary drafting, metal rationing, relocation of citizens, and many other restrictions. Posters were used to keep morale high and reassure the public just what they were fighting for and that victory is inevitable. World War II propaganda posters were used mainly for three reasons: to invoke public sympathy for the war cause, to help finance the war, and by encouraging people to support the war. Many types of posters invoked the use of sympathy. The first type of poster of was the “Alliance” poster. In this type of poster, the United States flag as well as the flags of the Allied powers were drawn to show that the Allied powers had...

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