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Alcohol and marijuana are the two most widely used recreational intoxicants in modern day Alcohol however is predominantly the most commonly used because of thefact that it is legal and marijuana is not. If used moderately, neither substance poses very serioushealth risks as we will examine in the following pages. If used responsibly, both substances canbe enjoyable and even meaningful. For instance, alcohol decreases inhibitions, thus makingcelebrations and parties more sociable and enjoyable. Smoking marijuana amongst friends canalso be a very relaxing, pleasurable activity. Both substances certainly have their time and place,and both certainly should be used moderately. But the question still remains that if thesesubstances are both relatively benign, why is one legal and the other one not? Many people fearthat marijuana is a gateway drug, however why is marijuana considered one and not alcohol?Both do have intoxicating effects and would leave the same taste in one’s mouth to try othermethods of intoxication. Another reason is the fear of drugs in most people’s minds. Manypeople feel that if any drug were legalized people would run around like lunatics and chaoswould ultimately ensue. However, alcohol is a drug, and if this assumption were true, then whyare people not running around like lunatics now? The fact of the matter is that the majority ofpeople who do use these substances use them responsibly. Most users do not walk around stonedall day, just like most alcohol drinkers do not walk around drunk all day. These substances canand are used responsibly everyday, even if the government feels that one should not be used atall.Marijuana Synopsis:The oldest known use of the hemp plant, the plant from which marijuana is derived, wasby the Chinese as early as 10,000 BC Anthropologists discovered hemp fibers used in ancientChinese clothing. They also discovered its ability as a pain killer when mixed with alcohol.Russians a...

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