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Voting A Privilage and Responsibility

A privilege and responsibility A man was sitting at home. It happened to be an Election Day. He sat watching TV as a public commercial came on. The woman on the commercial said, “Vote! Take the opportunity to use the gift our country gave us. The man said, “I don’t need to vote. My man will win.” Sadly his man did not win, they had to draw straws because it was a tie. If he had voted, his man would have won. My position is that voting shapes our world. First, the politicians need us to vote so they can be put in office. Second, the country may not have the person it wanted all because of one non-voter. Lastly, we let our nation down because they gave you the opportunity and right to vote and we do not vote.The politicians depend on us to put them where they want to be. Their futures depend on what we do in our voting. We must vote to have these people live out their good-willed promises that they make during their campaign. That is how it is a responsibility. They also depend on the responsibility that comes with age. We need not let the good people down who are running for public office positions.The person who was good hearted and made promises that they intended to keep when they got into office may not be elected. All because we did not vote. We are suppose to vote because it is our duty as American citizens. The reason that the nation waits until we are eighteen years of age to allow us to vote is because when we come of that age, we are expected to take responsibility in our homes, communities, and local and national government. When we are starting to be given more responsibilities, we should learn more about our nation and its political systems so that when we are allowed to vote, we will not have to learn at the last minute. Also, if we do not vote, the politicians will get too comfortable with not having to answer to the public. They can do whatever they want if we do not vote.Our nation gave us th...

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