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The Aeneid, by Virgil, is an epic that attempts to give the Roman Empire an illustrious founding. As the story progresses, Virgil presents two very real human emotions: pietas, and impious furor. Pietas is duty towards the Gods, country, and family. Impious furor, in contrast, is the feeling of fury and passion. These two emotions are consistently at odds with each other. Many characters within the epic, such as Juno, are consumed by their own fury, a trait which Virgil sheds negative light on. Aeneas, the hero and central character, on the other hand, is a man who is presented as pious and dutiful. He obeys the Gods and journeys to Rome. However, at the end of the novel, Aeneas himself is overtaken by rage, and he kills out of vengeance. Virgil’s goal in writing the Aeneid is to present Aeneas as a pious individual, and thus giving Rome a glorious founding. By closing the novel with an act of rage, however, Virgil portrays Aeneas as a ruthless killer. The ending is inappropriate because it casts doubt on the very reason for which Virgil wrote the Aeneid. Aeneas is presented as someone who is the model of pietas. A Roman must show piety towards his family, his country, and above all, piety to the Gods. When Aeneas visits Carthage, he falls in love with Queen Dido, and plans to remain there for an indefinite amount of time. However, he is quickly reminded of the more important task at hand. Are you forgetful Of what is your own kingdom, your own fate? remember Ascanius growing up, the hopes you hold For Iulus, your own heir, to whom are owed The realm of Italy and land of Rome. (Aeneid, 4:353-369) Mercury, the messenger god, is scolding Aeneas for remaining in Carthage. Mercury reminds him that he must remember his “fate,” and that he should leave for Italy immediately. He also reminds Aeneas of his son Ascanius, and that he should leave for Latium so that his son can eventually rule over the “realm of Italy....

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