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Violence in Video Games1

Do video games containing violence spark people of today to commit violent acts? Violence in video games are blamed for some of todays violent crimes. Some people believe that these crimes are committed due to playing a video game. Others believe that video games are a easy excuse for the violent acts, and keep America from looking deeper into the minds of people committing these acts. Video games are also thought to be a good way to take out some hostility. In Bernard Cesarone’s piece, “Violence in Video Games,” it is shown that Nintendo itself sold over 10.4 million systems and 69 million video games. Cesarone also stated more than 33 million people own a Nintendo system presently. Ceserone mentioned that in the year 2000 the video game industry will make 6 billion dollars. Each household in the U.S. owns a video game playing device on average, and for those who do not own a game playing device, many are able to be played by the public in stores and arcades, states Cesarone.It is also know that video games do contain violence. Mike Snider’s piece, “Violent Video Games With in Kids Reach,” shows researchers to find that 70% of 150 games studied did contain high levels of violence. Violence is put into games in different forms; punching, biting, kicking, and shooting with various weapons. Although it may not be the main objective to do these violent acts in all games it is awarded in many with points. Even sport games, which were fairly free of violence in early video game days, have found a way to make violence part of the games. Gary Baum’s piece “Virtual Morality” emphasizes that 27% of games show violence upon females. Death and killing are all parts of video games today. When video games first hit the market in the early 80’s games like Pac-Man and Pong had no violent content. The lack of violence in earlier games may not have been a choice of the game-makers,...

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