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Uniforms Cannot Control School Violence

Uniforms Cannot Control Violence Bomb threats, shootings, fist fights and even name calling: all of these are taking place in our schools today. School boards around the countryare searching for the cause in a desperate attempt to end the schoolviolence. Some say forcing the students to wear uniforms will do the trick. I do not think wearing uniforms will lessen school violence any more thanit will win a fashion contest.Many students express who they are through the way they dress. Forexample, if a teenager wants to show the world that he loves Jesus, then heor she might wear a T-shirt that states a positive view on the subject.Similarly, a student might want to wear green colored clothing to celebrateSt. Patricks day. School uniforms would destroy both of these instances offreedom and even more.Just as it is with every group of people, there is going to be a fewfolks who strive to be noticed my others. If uniforms are enforced, thestudents can no longer express themselves through their clothes. Therefore, they will find new ways to let their true feelings shine through. Piercings, weird hair and dramatic make-up will become more popular.That would result in our schools consisting of stranger looking peoplethan before.The establishment of school uniforms will not affect the amount of school violence. Clothing is not the problem. Studies have shown that thecause for violence in the schools starts at home between a student and hisor her family. Teenagers who have been neglected or mistreated by theirparents tend to be the ones who commit violent acts against their teachersand schoolmates.I feel that the use of uniforms will strip the student body of itsindividuality and cause negative creativity. Students will rebel and beuncooperative in class, thus causing more on-campus violence. We need tofocus on developing a better home life before we try to change the thingsthat it effects. In doing so, that would make all the schools ...

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