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Uncle Toms Cabin3

Uncle Tom?s Cabin can be described very well as an emotional piece of literature. There are many works thatwe have read so far this year that you read and have nofeelings about, but this is not one of them. It is veryclear to see that Harriet Beecher Stowe put a lot of energyand emotion into writing this story. ?In writing UncleTom?s Cabin Stowe took the most sacred beliefs of herculture- the sanctity of the family and redemption throughChristian love- and turned them into an attack on the evilsof slavery.? p2308 The fact that her first title was TheMan Who was a Thing shows very strongly her views onslavery. None of us reading this know or have any idea whatit is like to be a slave, so I think reading this can put alot into perspective. I especially believe that it is veryimportant to look at the way that she wrote these stories. I say, these stories, because the fact that she wrote twostories into the one is very significant. We see Uncle Tombeing sold to a very harsh owner, but still being devout inhis beliefs and holding tight to God even when things lookterrible. He continued to read his bible, and he neverallowed the rough times to bring him down. In the end Tomwas killed, and because of the description that we get ofhim the whole way through, this is very sad to us, however,we consider Tom to be a hero for putting up for what he hadto. The other story that is being told at the same time isalso very important. While seeing the terrible thingshappen to Tom, we believe that there is still hope. We seetwo other slaves who have been able to escape from theirowner. While escaping, they meet up with George Harris.The eventually make it to a Quaker Settlement, and theyproceed to help the slaves escape to Canada. This is amore hopeful look at slavery and the fact that there areslaves who can get out of the horror. Therefore, andespecially in my mind, George can bee seen as hero forbraving the odds and helping to free hims...

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