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Twin Separation

At the beginning of every twins life they start to realize there is another person that is a part of their lives, forever, that is as important as themselves, their twin. They begin to strive for their goals and achievements through the rest of their lives with a loyal friend and loving companions, sharing their most in-depth secrets with each other with trust. Not only twins by friends who will be by each others side till the end of time. A sister or brother who are so close to each other that no matter where they go or how far apart they are, they will always by each others side and in each others heart. As young children they are most likely to stick to each other until adulthood. Separating twins is a very difficult task, not only for parents and teachers, but also especially for themselves. The lack of separation of twins may cause them to isolate theirselves from other children and adults. They also begin to communicate with each other in their own symbolic way and this may interrupt their learning skills in subjects such as, English, in reading and writing. Separating twins may give them a better aspect on life and how to interact or socialize with other people. Twin should most likely stay together if preferred, but from time to time separated every once in a while.As twin individuals grow older there are concerns whether they will stick together or grow apart from each other. Identical twins being most identical in make-up, capacities, and interest will be more likely than fraternal twins to keep together....

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