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Twelve Angry Men

In the story "Twelve Angry Men", Reginald Rose shows how making one's own decisions is one very important aspect in life. He also showed that one's decisions shouldnot be impeded by stereotypes. I believe that the jury reached the right verdict becausethe witnesses were disproven along with all of the evidence.The first reason is that the witnesses were proven to be wrong. For example,there was an el train passing by the old man's window at the time of the murder. Hecouldn't have been able to hear the murder taking place. The old man was not as much ofa reliable source as he was originally thought to be. In addition, the woman that livedacross the street from the boy did not wear her glasses to bed the night of the murder. She couldn't have been able to know for a fact that the boy was the real murderer. Thewoman's testimony is not strong enough to condemn the boy to death. With the two keywitnesses having been discredited, the case against the boy was very weak.The other reason is that the evidence was proven to be not as significant as it wasonce thought to be. For example, Juror Eight bought a knife exactly like the one used inthe murder. The original knife was not as special or unique as it was portrayed to be inthe trial. Any person could have bought a knife just like the original one and used it tomurder the father. Furthermore, Juror Two said that he thought that the stab wound wastoo high up for the boy to have inflicted. Someone taller than the boy must havecommitted the murder. With the new ideas that are being brought up by the jurors, theboy seems to become a less likely suspect. As the deliberation goes on, the "hardevidence" against the boy seems to loose its integrity.With the evidence down the drain and the witnesses without any truely soundtestimony, the jury had no choice but to vote not guilty in my opinion. The knife wasn'tone of a kind, the old man couldn't have heard the murder, and the woman coul...

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