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Turning of the Tides

"How dare you accuse me of such a thing? Why, I can't even think of doing anything so horrid let alone act upon such thoughts!" She had this trademark way of stuttering on the ends of her sentences when she lied as if she were reviewing in her mind what had just been said to make sure she was being consistent. I caught it though. I catch it every time.I eased into my questioning: "Then where were you last night?""You know damn well I was with Kathy the entire evening. She came to the house. We drove off together. You even waved to us from the living room window while we pulled out of the driveway! Or have you forgotten about that already? Simple memories such as these should not be so hard to recall. Do you know what it's like for me to try and argue with someone who has to have events not 24 hours old repeated constantly?"That was another thing she did whenever she lied. She attempted to shift the blame. But she wasn't satisfied with just shifting it; she had to twist it and rearrange it until the blame was situated on me for something that had absolutely nothing to do with the initial argument. It was as if she thought she could confuse me into believing the whole thing was my fault. As if I would suddenly feel guilty for her trivial, self proclaimed plight. However, oftentimes this plan of hers would actually work. That was probably why she was still using it now. The only reason I would ever concede to such a weak tactic, though, was to put an end to the relentless banter that would otherwise run endlessly into the night without resolve. But this time the severity of the situation would not be compromised. I moved onto my next question: "Then refresh my memory once again, if you would. Why is it that when I called Kathy's last night you weren't there?""But I was there. Kathy told you I had just stepped into the washroom for a minute.""Then why weren't you there when I called ten minutes later?""No one was there! When I was finishe...

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