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Tupac A Mans Life

The rapper known as Tupac Shakur,was born in 1971 in Bronx, NY. Tupac's struggles began early. When Tupac was young, his mother was a member of the organization known as "The Black Panthers." Tupac survived a hard childhood with a drug addicted mother and the rough streets of Baltimore, where they both moved. Soon after their move, Tupac would attend the Baltimore High School for the Performing Arts. This school is what started Tupac in his love of poetry as well as music. Tupac also began writing his rap lyrics here. Rap and music inspired Tupac but may have also been his downfall. This is how he ultimately became the Tupac Shakur that was, is and possibly may always be the most controversial celebrity there ever was. Tupac later moved to Marin City, California. In Marin City Shakur went homeless for two years. He lived on the streets of Marin City and Oakland and sometimes stayed with friends. Through these times he continued to write and record his music, trying to somehow stimulate something so that could get him off the streets. During this time Tupac's mom was in and out of trouble and found herself luckily acquitted on 156 counts. Also, Shakur was dealing with the issue of his father's death. Tupac was tormented by the idea of never knowing his own father. All this lonliness began to wear him down. He began to realize that most of what he grew up around was self-delusion. He also realized that his mother was not the best person to be a role model for him and give him guidance on life. This left him directionless and turned his life into what popularly became known as "Thug Life." "Thug Life" was Tupac's own codes of conduct and rules that he would survive by . "Thug Life" became most popular after he served 6 months for sexual assault in state penetentionary Now things for Tupac began clearing up and he began to get on with his life. He was purely determined to make something of himself and prove everybod...

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