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Tunes For Bears to Dance To

The theme for Tunes for Bears to Dance to by Robert Cormier is Friendship should matter Like when Henry has barely any relationship with his Dad. And when he befriends Mr.Levine a survivor. But when he is told to do something that is very terrible. He has to choosebetween selfishness and friendship. He has two choices. Destroy something one of his friend’spossession, the survivor’s home village, it is a wood replica of it. Or get fired and not get a statuefor his brother’s. Which one should he do???? In Tunes for Bears to Dance to the Henry has hardly any friendship with his father. Hisfather will ask how he is doing occasionally. In the end his friendship does not change. But it willgrow a little stronger. His dad had some problems with gambling and lost it when his older son,Eddie, died. Henry, the father’s youngest son, has sort of, became the man of family. Henry worksat a market.Henry is given a choice to destroy the village or get fired from his job working at themarket. Mr. Levine, the survivor, was taken from his village and put in a concentration campduring World War II. Mr. Levine lost his entire family to the Holocaust. Mr. Levine spends hisdays working in an art store. He built a replica of his village. Henry is given a choice by his boss,Mr. Hairston, a man who is prejudice to Jews, to either destroy the village to get a statue for hisbrother’s grave or get fired. What did he do? He destroyed it. But when he did it, it broke his heart and the Mr.Levine’s heart too. Henry apologized to the Mr. Levine and the Mr. Levine forgave him. Butwhen the Henry told Mr. Hairston he did it, he didn’t take the statue as credit for it. The Henrywas fired for it. He made the right choice not taking the statue for doing it. Because it was thewrong thing to do. If he had taken he would probably still have his job and there would be astatue where his brother was buried. Mr. Levine and everyon...

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