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Could the curse of this day and age really and truly have stricken thee? If so, to what extent has the burning saber scarred? Do the wounds that it has caused; bear witness to such atrocities to come? Why was a boy of such youth, and life, cursed and shackled to such misery? I ask these questions, my lord, in search of one such answer… Truth. I ask nothing more, than that. I do not forsake thou oh lord. For even in the deepest, darkest parts of my soul, I feel the warmth of your presence; your true and almighty hands have formulated my entire existence. But I feel far from completed, why is that? Did you create such a creature in that virtuous image of yourself to further understand your own being? Could my lord, my perfect role model, be so selfish? Could it be that you yourself are nothing more than a lost child without a scrap of history to show for it? I wonder, creator of all, that if such is the case, why not explain to us your enigma? Surely, a great species such as our selves could do something for you… Or have I spoken to soon? Have we already given you all you have needed in your search for self-redemption? If so, could this mean that the end of all your children is soon to come? You seem to have spoken of such a day before. You called it Judgment day. The Apocalypse. It was the day all would be judged and the consequences for being human would pay their toll. The great suffering that would soon follow would make all of our fruitless wars seem like pity arguments. How, and why, would such an act be committed? Father please speak to me, I wish to know the reasoning behind such a demonstration. You heartless bastard! What kind of creature are you?! After all your speeches, after all your words of wisdom, you come down to be no better than the supposed inferior beings that you have created. Inferiority has nothing to do with intelligence, technology, or even art, but the actions out of cow...

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