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Tropical Rain Forest

In this term paper, I will explain the great importance of the tropical Rainforests around the world and discuss the effects of the tragedy of rainforest destruction and the effect that it is having on the earth. I will write on some specific plants and animals thatcall the tropical rain forests their home; there are many different types of rainforest speciesand their uniqueness from the rest of the world is amazing. I will also touch on the effortsbeing made to help curb the rate of rainforestdestruction and the peoples of the rainforest.Rain forests are located near the equator in the tropics and are most noted for theirabundance of vegetatin and extreme diversity. Classified by climate and location, all rainforetsts are dominated by various sized trees so clustered that different layers havedeveloped in the depths of the jungles. The upper canopy, containing the tallest treesranging from 100-150 feet, receives the most light. Beneath the upper canopy are 1-3layers of vegetation called the canopy. Here the plants are so condensed that so little lightreaches past it, no allowing the final layer, the understory, to have a nice amount ofsunlight. Only a handful of rays it the floor, causing little vegetation to grow.Due to climate and location, mother nature has created several rain forest classifieddifferently due to unsimillar characteristics. The Equatorial rain forest is located in warm,we areas with low altitude, near the equator. Under primary influence of moisture, anaverage annual rainfall of 125 inches and constant temperatures of about 87 degreestogether make such a diverse and fragile ecosystem (Encarta).Tropical rain forests extended 10 degrees latitude from the equator are calledsubtropical rainforests. Most commonly found in Central America, West Indies, andcoastal Bazil, the changes in temperature and season switches give a less diverse forestcompared to the Equatorial rain forests (Encarta)Some rainforests shou...

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