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Trainning as a recruitment tool

The title of the article is Training as a recruitment tool. It begins by addressing the problem which is that although we are living in a time of good conditions like low unemployment rate, many employers fell so bad. In the last decade employers had a deep and wide pool of new college graduates and recently laid-off, trained workers from which to choose. The workforce was also faithful and had no interest in leaving the security of a paid job to join the unemployed. The article suggests that the cause of this frustration is recruitment and retention problems.In an attempt to solve this problem, many organizations are offering nontraditional benefits, which include training and development opportunities. Training is considered the number 1 attraction and retention tool followed by flexible work schedules and competitive salaries. The author points out that we shouldnt just believe that more training will improve conditions. He bases his argument on a study that found that high performing organizations provided each employee with an average of only 30 hours of training, compared to the average of 45 hours of training for each employee in other organizations. So as a conclusion, if more training hours do not guarantee improved performance, then there must be other factors that needs fixing.The difference between high performing companies and all other organizations is the degree to which training is integrated into company culture and strategy. Despite less time was given for formal training, the employees were benefiting more. This is due to the environment of continuous learning in which nontraditional training opportunities were offered and encouraged. Another important factor is linking strategy and training. Training is considered an investment for the organization because it is potentially a companys most critical asset. The author then goes on by providing a list of tools to help managers and employees think about contribution an...

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