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Too Many People

There is a major conflict today that people struggle with. This conflict is population. Malthus says, “that the population when unchecked goes on doubling itself every twenty-five years” (1993: 196). The question, “Are there too many people in the world,” is often asked after hearing Malthus’ fact in hopes to get a real, straight forward answer. This question sometimes strikes fear in the people or person, which must answer it. Since this is such a controversial issue this question can be determined by two possible answers: yes and no. There are many reasons why “yes” could answer this question of over population. An obvious clue to deciding whether or not there are too many people is the lack of nutritious food in some countries. This lack of food is caused b two possible factors. First, the people in other wealthier places inhabiting the earth are taking up much of the more nutritious foods. Secondly, people and the growing industries inhabit the land needed for growing food. Here locally in the United States the congested traffic is a population problem. Too many people cause too much traffic. From this traffic lies another potential answers to the over populated areas, pollution. This pollution factor plays an important role in deciding this age-old question of over population. The amount of population on the earth is a direct correlation towards the idea of “too many people”. Pollution will increase if the amounts of people increase. Another clue for over population would be technology. People from all around the world have been pulled towards higher technological areas so that their families and themselves may eventually prosper. The population increase due to technology seems to run its course through the population like how a snowball greatens in size. Like a snowball, technology works in this way: once a person creates something new someone else takes t...

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