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Thomas Jefferson1

Third President of the United States of America. Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) was the third president of the United States and a creator of the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson was a philosopher,politician, scientist, architect, inventor, musician, and writer. Thomas Jefferson was alsoone of the smartest leaders in history. His father was named Peter Jefferson, a very rich Farmer from Virginia. Thomas’sMother, Jane Randolph Jefferson, was part of the Randolph family. The Randolph Familywas a big part of Virginia history, and also very rich also. Peter and Jane Jefferson movedto Goochland county, because Peter had just gotten 400 acres of land there.Thomas Jefferson was born in the log cabin in which the family lived. ThomasJefferson was the third child out of four brother and six sisters. Two years after Thomas was born, William Randolph, a cousin of Mrs. Jefferson and a close friend of the family,died. His will requested that Peter Jefferson move to his estate, take care of the house andland, and make sure Randolph's four children get educated. The Jefferson’s remained atRandolph's estate for seven years. The estate was called Shadwell.Thomas Jefferson was quite the little intelligent boy. At age nine, ThomasJefferson Started Latin, Greek, and French Studies at a boarding school. Thomas liked toHorse back ride, Canoe, Hunt, and fish. When Thomas was fourteen years old, his fatherpassed away. Thomas Jefferson was the oldest son, so Thomas had to take care of thefamily. Jefferson was a tall, slender boy with sandy reddish hair and fair skin that freckledand sunburned easily. A serious student, Thomas also enjoyed the lighter aspects of theeducation of a Virginia gentleman. Jefferson learned to dance and play the violin.Weekends and holidays Thomas spent either at Shadwell entertaining guests or at hisfriends' plantations.After two years at William and Mary (A College in Virginia’s capital city),Jeffe...

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