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The true Story of creation Religion or Science

The True Story of Creation Religion or Science? For centuries, the battle has been raging between science and religion over the question of how man came into being. The two opposing forces have clashed countless times in history, with such violent conflicts as to result in bloodshed and death. Probably the most controversial issue debated by the two sides is the creation of everything in the universe, from stars and planets to plants and people. Christians use the Bible, specifically the book of Genesis, to support their belief of creation, while scientists support their ideas with observational data and mathematical calculations. Although the Bible provides a credible explanation for the origin of Earth and its life forms, the scientific perspective of creation presents a thorough explanation of the beginnings of the Earth and man with more information and evidence.Using the book of Genesis as support, devout Christians believe that God is the creator of the universe. As it is plainly stated in the first verse of the Bible, In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, (Genesis 1:1). God also created everything on the earth, including water, land, plants, and animals. The first humans, Adam and Eve, were made by God in his own imagemale and female created he them, (Genesis 1:27). Even the concepts of day and night and seasons and years were of divine origin (Genesis 1:14). All of these objects and ideas were created in the course of six days, and all were formed by the work of God.On the other hand, believers in science take a completely different approach in explaining the origin of the universe. Although there is more than one theory, the most popular today is the concept of the big bang, in which an explosion sent debris through space that eventually formed the universe as it is now. The earth, along with the other planets, was formed from the debris of the big bang, but only after billions of years did it loo...

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