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The sources of Shakespeares plays

Shakespeare, Macbeth is created by combining two people, Makbeth and Donwald. Also, themurder of Shakespeares King Duncan, comes almost directly from Donwalds murder ofHolinsheds King Duff. Shakespeare also condensed Macbeths seventeen year reign into a period consisting of a couple of weeks. The saying that history is written by the victors holdstrue here. After Malcolm ascended to power he proceeded to rewrite history to make his familyjustified in overthrowing Macbeth. This editing of history made the real Macbeth darker and moreevil and made King Duncan, making him more docile and kind. The Celtic customs of successionwere ignored in Shakespeares play, and with that, so was Macbeths claim to the throne by beingthe worthiest of the kinsman.Due to the amount and context of the information used by Shakespeare, I have decided togo through Shakespeares Macbeth explaining the play and then summarizing the informationfrom Holinsheds and explaining the parallels. In the paragraphs pertaining to the plot ofShakespeares Macbeth, I will use the names given by the author (e.g. Macbeth, Macduff,Banquo, etc.). To avoid confusion as to what is being discussed (Shakespeares story line or howhe uses Holinsheds), bold type will be used when referring to Holinsheds work ( I will also usethe chroniclers spellings of the names -- e.g. Makbeth, Makduffe, Banquho), while plain type willbe used when referring to Shakespeares plot. The page numbers cited in reference to Holinshedspertain to W.G. Broswell-Stones 1896 printing of Shakespeares Holinshed. Shakespeares Macbeth opens on three witches. They speak in rhymes that sound likemagical incantations, they then agree to meet again when the battle between Scotland and Norway,(from which Macbeth is about to return) is over. One of the witches says that they will soon meetwith Macbeth. We are then taken from the heath on which the witches met, to King Duncan's court. Amessenger returns from the war with No...

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