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The man behind the scandal

The man behind the scandal Although all the scandal that he has been through he has stayed loyal to his work and people. He is doing the best he can for his country and his people. He made mistakes that caused a lot of scandal and emotional damage to people but I think that no matter what he did, we should forgive him. Bill Clinton is the actual President of the United States and I think he deserves to stay there for a while. He made a lot for the economy of the United States. He is the first President of U.S.A. to not have a losing economy. United States is having the best economy so far thanks to him. In summary, he is always satisfying the needs of his people and other countries. Almost a year ago he got accused of having an affair with a worker of the White House called Monica Lewinsky. Monica Lewinsky testified and told court that they had an affair for approximately 8 moths. She specified everything she did with Bill Clinton. All this exploded when a Monica Lewinskys friend recorded a conversation with her and she made it public. The scandal exploded and Clinton was on the target of the people. When he heard about this he told his people that he didnt do it. In conclusion Bill had to ask for forgiveness to his people for what he did. Suddenly people started to forgive all the good things he did and started to concentrate on the scandal and began to attack him and accused him of being a liar and an evil person. I know that he lied, but hey, the man was sorry. I know that his forgiveness speech came from his heart because you could see in his eyes that it wasnt a regular speech, it was a more profound and delicate one. I think that the people should forgive this error he committed because he is human, he makes mistakes like you and me. The fact that he is the most important man in America doesnt make him perfect. The fact is that because he is a celebrity, the scandal is worse. That is his perso...

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