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The factors of Production

Economy is a very crucial topic in every country of the world. Economy plays a major role in people's lives, because it's a part of their will being. Thee major factors of the economy of its production are land, labor, and capital, which are all very closely interdependent with each other. Looking at the first factor of production "land", we see that land gives us food, money, place to live and enjoy our lives. For example, the family farm (Project#6) is still a very important part of American life as it has been in the past. Although many people who are engaged with agricultural career get in trouble sometimes, because of the weather conditions or falling prices on the agricultural products, the land is till a critical part of U.S.'s life. Land gives us different products for a better and healthier life. The trees that grow on land, if being taken a good care of, give us fresh and clean air and take in Carbon Dioxide gas instead. This reduces the percentage of people getting sick. Land is also good for the natural resources, which makes our country's economy much stronger in comparison to others. Therefore, the land is an extremely valuable factor of the production.However, not only land plays a big role in the economy of the country, labor is a very significant factor as well, that should be paid a lot of intention to. If people stopped working, nothing would be done and probably this earth wouldn't exist at all. Labor can hurt or bring a lot of success to people. If there are a lot of workers, the production usually slows down because not one contributes a needed amount of work. This concept could be applied to almost any topic. For example, baseball team (Project #1) requires players to do a lot of practicing in order to win the game. However, although we think that all of the American League's teams and National League's team are worth each other and play almost the same, on the actual field, where the game is taking place, we n...

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