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The differences between the New England and Chesapeake Regions

The New England colonies were formed by Protestants who were escaping England. They ‘planned’ their society. When they came over they brought entire families, not just random people. The Chesapeake region colonies were formed by whoever signed up. The reasons that resulted in the differences between the New England and the Chesapeake colonies were political, social, and economic.The political reasons for the differences were that in New England there was a basic plan. In document D I found that after a group of people grows to forty families it is then considered a town. This document also tells that everyone got some land. Document E adds some more pieces to the puzzle by telling that the people’s wages were set. This group of colonies also had a huge amount of religious freedom, and even some political power. This is far different from the Chesapeake colonies where, in document g it is stated that they are just a little offshoot of England.There were many social reasons that the two regions were different. In New England under what document A says the people wanted their society to be a model for a Christian community. This would make the people behave quite nicely. In document B I am told that entire families were brought over from England. This would make it quite a bit easier to get communities growing. Also, under document D they intended, with all haste, to find a minister. This would give the community a sense of continuity, and would make the people behave quite a bit more. Now on to the Chesapeake region. Under document C random people, whoever signed up, were brought over, and not many of them were female. This lead to many problems, because the people didn’t want to work. This deal, however, was good for the females, because they got an extremely large, at least for this time, amount of freedom. In document F it is stated that there is unrest among the people. Some of them even...

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