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The Widow Douglas

“The Widow Douglas, she took me for her son, and allowed she would sivilize me; but it was rough living in the house all the time, considering how dismal regular and decent the widow was in all her ways; and so when I couldn’t stand it no longer, I lit out.” The aforementioned quote best describes Huck’s philosophy when faced with ties that bind. He is unable to face the restrictions of life any longer, both emotionally and physically, ad simply releases himself back to what is right. Hence, one of the most prominent and important themes of the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is freedom. Freedom not only from Huck’s internal struggle between right and wrong, but also from the Widow Douglas and his father, as well as freedom from the societal institutions of government, religion, and prejudices. The best example of the internal conflict is Huck’s brief experiences with organized religion. The teachings by the Widow Douglas of the pathways to heaven are in constant conflict with Huck’s own beliefs. Because of this, Huck readily rejects the teachings of organized religion, and therefore must often grapple with the undue guilt that this hypocritical hearsay places on him. Such is the case when Huck must decide on whether to protect the whereabouts of Jim or to do the “Christian” thing and return Miss Watson her “property”. Although Huck ultimately decides to do what he feels right, the reader is left with a sense that the issue is not completely eradicated from Huck’s conscience. Another freedom Huck struggles for is freedom from the two unhealthy family ties he has. The first being the attempted civilization of Huck by Widow Douglas, and the second being Huck’s desire to escape the wrath of his dangerous and abusive father. Whereby the Widow Douglas tries to better Huck as a person, Huck’s father tries to drag Huck down to his level. Because th...

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