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the universal barriers that affect all relationships

The Universal Barriers That Affect All Since the beginning of mankind, sexual relationships between people have always been and always will be crucial to the continuance of humanity. This idea applies to everyone, no matter what race you are or what your sexual preference is. But with every start of a relationship, there have always been issues that surround us in how we are to go forward with starting these relationships. And with these issues, there are barriers. Barriers that stop us from saying how we feel, how we act, how we feel about ourselves.Barriers can either be externally or internally, and these barriers stop us from forming relationships with people we feel attracted to. An example of one of these barriers would be physical unattractiveness. It is stated that barriers affect all people from all over the world. Attractiveness is a physical trait that all people from all walks of life view as an important part of the initiation process of a relationship. Various countries and cultures have their own scales of what is important to their society in sexuality and relationships. For example, coming from a Chinese background, females are to be passive and never to be the initiator in a relationship, therefore always having Chinese women perceived as being passive and shy. Whereas in America, it is not such of a big issue for a woman in our society to make a "first move" and ask a man out. Despite all the issues that we have surrounding barriers, barriers are a part of life and affect everyone, regardless of your race, gender, sexual preference, or society. The four most common barriers that people face day in, and day out. The four most common barriers that we encounter are physical unattractiveness, fear of rejection, shyness and traditional sex roles as stated in "Sex and Relationships" by John P. Elia. These barriers are universal. To support my argument, I will explain the concepts of these barriers and how t...

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