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The Sushi Law

"Do not do what you would undo if caught" ~ Leah Arendt ~ Why is it a home buyer has so few options against a home seller when it is believed the home was fraudulently and intentionally misrepresented? Is it because, "Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty." ~ Plato ~ There should be a new law to protect the home buyers interests. As in theauto industry the "Lemon Law" was created to protect auto buyers. Soshould there be a law to protect vulnerable and innocent home buyers. The"Lemon Law" in summary is defined, "The manufacturer, not the dealer, takescare of the defects (State Lemon Law). In my proposed law, the seller, notthe buyer, would take care of intentional disclosures of defects. A solutionthat would protect the home buyer from bogus acts and dishonesty a "rawdeal" when buying a home. A law and order that would make the sellerresponsible for what is proven to be fraudulent and dishonestmisrepresentations. There should be a developed and implemented policycreated that would define the responsibility for; detection, investigation, andreporting of dishonest and fraudulent activity and would outline specificinstructions regarding what should be done when fraud is suspected. I amproposing the "Sushi Law".At a home I once previewed I found a large entertainment center in the masterbedroom covering two thirds of a wall. It struck me as odd at the time. Whywould this massive piece of furniture be in a bedroom? As I turned to leavethe room something caught my eye. I saw what looked like textured paint onthe wall. Upon closer examination I realized it was paint that had tiny cracksover various portions of the wall and in places the paint was curling at thecracks. I concluded the problem was possibly from previous water damage. I didn't say anything, but most importantly, neither did the seller. Sellers whotry to cover up major problems, defects and flaws in the home byintentionally using larg...

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