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The Successful Hero on a Path to Failure

The Successful Hero on a Path to Failure What is a hero? Is a hero is a great individual with powers or qualities that separate him from the rest of the society or world for that matter. In a sense, perhaps, I think a hero can be much more than just having these particular qualities. In my opinion, ahero is someone that also commands great respect. There must also have been a greatevent or deed for someone to be deemed a hero.In the heroic tale of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh himself is a hero. He has the qualitiesrequired for being a hero, but he is lacking. He fails to exhibit self restraint and wisedecision making. That doesn’t necessarily mean that a hero must be perfect in order to beone. A hero is supposed to make mistakes and have downfalls. Heroism is a quality thatis present in every human being. It is a part of humanity. It is displayed moreprominently in a few such as Gilgamesh. A hero still remains human though and can neverbe ideal. Society in Gilgamesh’s culture viewed their king as the ultimate warrior andleader. The city was the most important part of life in the times of Gilgamesh. A zigguratwas present in the city representing religious life. The gods resided in the temples of thecity. Society relied upon the presence of gods to determine how well the city would lastand prosper. The city was a place of patriotism and nationalism. Elaborate rituals werecommonplace. Unlike that of the culture described in the Bible, sexuality is part of theworship of gods. Gilgamesh is a key factor in this way of life for the city of Uruk. He isthe priest king. His role in the city is important because he is depended upon by all of theresidents of his city. They look to him for strength, spirit, and guidance. Gilgamesh isideal to the people because he serves the purposes a priest king is expected to do in orderto keep society thriving. He wins wars and has little fear. It is similar to politics. If t...

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