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The Snowflake

The snow is falling on the ground. It looks amazingly beautiful. I totally love it! Did you know that all snowflakes have a different pattern? The same thing is with people. All of us are different in many ways, even the twins or triplets.You see that snowflake on the sleeve of the red jacket you are wearing right now? You probably think, oh it is just another plain, but beautiful snowflake. Well, not really... I believe each snowflake represents a different person.One of those snowflakes represents me. Who am I? Hi, my name is Dasha Andrea Bushmakin. I like to be called Dasha. I am 14 years old and I am in 8th grade. My favorite season, as you probably have guessed already, is winter. I love snow! It is beautiful and fun to play with. I also like school. My favorite subjects are math and computers. However, I especially like English and art. Therefore, when I grow up, I want to be a journalist. Why am I choosing to be a journalist? I believe it is fun to travel and learn about things that happened. What exactly would I do? I would talk to sports stars, review music, movies, books, or restaurants. It will most likely be a lot of fun! I love sports. My favorites are running, bowling, tennis, basket-ball, and roller-blading. Sometimes, when I have a lot of free time and do not know what to do, you might find me playing online bowling. I do this to learn how to play bowling and just for fun. Even though, I am Russian, I feel like I am a total American. I like to do many things my American friends like to do. Snowflakes, usually, make you smile. Well, I try to do the same thing. If I feel I can help someone out, I will do my best to do so. Therefore, the next time you see a snowflake, think maybe it is you or me or someone else you know.The snow is falling on the ground. It looks amazing! Each snowflake is different, just like people. We are all different. I am a tiny snowflake on the sleeve of your red jacket. This is a tiny piece of me....

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