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The Ring

In Isak Dinesen’s story titled “The Ring,” there are a lot of cause and effect details. There are many causes and effects that all tie together. The first cause I noticed was Sigismund and his wife Lovisa, called Lise by her husband, went for a walk on their land. The effect of this walk was they talked to Mathias. This conversation with Mathias was the cause of Lise and Sigismund hearing the story of the thief that killed sheep like a wolf. Then, Mathias and Sigismund began to examine some sick lambs. This was the cause of Lise’s feelings of not being important. Sigismund, seeing this, told her to walk home slowly and he would catch up with her. She did just that but became sidetracked and started walking towards a place in the woods she had discovered a few days ago. She found the place she was looking for but there was a man there. He had a knife and held it to her throat for a second. This was a cause that the effect of her dropping her handkerchief and her wedding ring. The man kicked the wedding ring away but picked up her handkerchief and gave it back to her. This seems to cause her to forget herself. When Sigismund asks her where her ring is, she says she doesn’t know and she doesn’t even remember when she had it on last. This has to be the effect of the man kicking her ring away, its almost as if he is kicking her memory and her past away....

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